Saying hi to the neighbors
OOC:That was quick. And with valid points too. This is one of my more longer posts.

He looked down from his gaze at the ceiling, at the younger female. "I guess asking someone to change would be too much for some." He leveled his head to see her better. "You seem to forget that the only thing I had to defend myself with was a bow, which was useless because he already had me at sword point, and my fist and claws, which were also useless for the same reason. Besides, wouldn't you be scared if the one who was supposed to be your god could end then and there, with nothing you can do about it? Foolish it may be to let my guard down within the area supposedly to be a safe place, you can't tell me that you never made even a slight mistake. Everyone does sooner or later, and that's just how life works. I don't care about being forgiven, I care about staying alive, which is why I'm here. No one else would take me, not the Inferni, not Casa Di Cavalieri, and everywhere else was either too far or keeping their borders closed to newcomers, to my knowledge. I certainly wouldn't be able to live in the wild forever, and the last group that I was with kicked me out, so there was nowhere to go except here. Don't get me wrong, Anathema is a great place to live, once you are accepted, so it's not like I chose this place as a last resort."

He would've also mention that he didn't care for some of the members, but the coyote was among that list, so he kept his mouth shut. The last tid bit of the younger canine's lecture hadn't occurred to him before. Everyone here he knew were his good friend Lance, Naniko and Alaki, who are now gone, Charm, who he hasn't seen in a while, Malakai, who was a total jerk the first and last time they met, and Aeron, who was far too busy with the pack's problem's to help him. Everyone else he had little or no interaction with, so they probably wouldn't help a stranger. He taught Lance a couple things, and Lukos saw him practice swords with another wolf some time ago, so that's a potential option. The past pack leaders were gone, most likely for good, and Charm, well, he didn't see her as the violent warrior type. He didn't trust Malakai, who left a rather bad impression on Lukos on the day he joined. And Aeron, once again, had too much to do as a pack leader, so he didn't want to add to that list of things to do. Which left only Lance to really teach him something about melee weapons. They live so close together, but they haven't talked in a while. Wonder how he's doing... He came back from his deep thinking remembering that he was still talking to someone.

"Being pretty pathetic at close range combat, it would be a good idea to learn some things from other pack members. Right now, their's really only one person who I know would help me, which is another reason to come here. Though I doubt that I'm going to meet a lot of people who could help me if I don't know my way around. Guess that's the price you pay for being a hermit for so long.". He sat in silence, wondering how things would've been if he was a little less pathetic and more out going.

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