[p] wake me up when september ends

She listened as Adelle explained why she attacked. Words were caught by attentive ears, and
as she listened, she picked at the words. They were quietly spoken, and Alyssum slowly digested
them as they were handed to her. The girl finished her talk, and the woman allowed a moment to
pass before deciding to reply.

"If your grandfather was here to see you act like this, what do you think he would say?" she
asked, deciding to start off with a question. What would Adelle's guardians would think if he had
to see her act like to to her packs, to see her be this aggressive. "The world never ends, Adelle.
Even when the humans, the rulers of the world, died, the earth kept going without them. When
we go, it won't stop and mourn for us, either."
It was the harsh but honest reality. Life moves on
after death.

"Everyone has to pick up at one point or another. Some are entitled to remain still for longer
than others, but there is always a time to move on. The world would leave you behind, otherwise."

Her words started to become gentler. "But, it doesn't mean you have to forgot him completely.
There will be times when you will miss him, but it is for the better--would you rather him to have
grown even older, perhaps hurt even more, than for him to be in the place he is in now?"


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