Bar / club?
@Sky: Lounge is probably a better term than a club, but it sounds... idk too relaxed? xD But that will be floating in my mind, most definitely!

@Bria: Since these will be recurring NPCs, you'd most definitely be able to interact with them to some degree. 83 But, I'd keep it to a minimum and try to mess with them all the time, since then I would believe (I think this is right, but don't hold my word against it. xD) that would be slightly abusing the NPC policies. As for adopting, I rather for the NPCs to stick to the place unless something tragic happens to the building or their persons, but you are totally free to create a character that helps out with the place regularly and fits within a certain "cliche", like as a bartender or performer. 8D

@Raze: because he is sekeertly based off of him I MEAN WUT.

Yeah, that's why I put quote unquote rave. xD I definitely don't want to give off the vibe that it's some flashy, electro music place, but I couldn't think of a proper word to describe it. 8B I am very stooped and lack wordy imagination.

As for motivation, I think it'd be like this: for the bartender, it's for the easy trade and to get some nice items for the beverages, for the performer it's to make it big and starting in a relatively small yet crowded place, for the musician it's to have a good time since he's getting to be an old fart and easy meals and drinks, and for the manager it's to hopefully gain some power and ground through the entertainment business. Whether their goals are fulfilled is yet to be told, though. xD but, if anyone has any ideas, feel free to throw it on the table!

And, it's all cool! 8D I would really love discussion so I/we can fix some kinks in it and try to add ideas that would be cool for everyone to expeierence!

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