Darkness approaching
Shade had just recently found out his mother was in the area and was going to find her. Problem was, he wasn’t entirely sure where she was. He would more than likely find out through someone though. She had been in the area for quite some time, surely someone knew where she was currently residing.

He wondered around for a little while, quickly growing hungry. Shade tracked down a rather large buck, and made sure to stay downwind. His mother had taught him well, leaving him as a skilled hunter and fighter. Shade waited for the perfect moment and he lunged forward, grabbing onto the buck’s antlers. He gave the deer’s head a sharp twist, hearing the sickening sound of it’s neck snapping as it’s limp body fell.

It didn’t take long for him to skin the animal, using the dagger that had once belonged to his father. Once the pelt was removed, he quickly dug into its delicious flesh. Once full, he laid down beneath a tree, leaving the rest for another or for the morning. It didn’t really matter if someone took the rest, it would be easy enough for him to find something for breakfast the next morning. For now, he would just relax.

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