you must be swift as a coursing river
Let me know if there's any PP or something you want me to change! Smile

Sebastian chuckled at Aro's tumble forwards. At least it hadn't been an unintentional stumble. The Italian male offered him a dazzling smile in response to being called a treasure- truly, he couldn't recall ever being referred to as a treasure before- before he shifted his weight back onto one foot, the other foot slightly ahead of the other and spread apart. Flexibility and agility were his main tools here, especially with Aro coming at him like a freight train.

He did not attack or defend, precisely. He was always fluid and flexible, rarely committing himself to any one movement. Control and economy of thought and movement, those were his allies. When he was up against people with such an enormous advantage in brute strength, it was needed.

Sebastian leaped to the side as Aro drew closer. He had not quite counted on the brute changing direction so quickly, but he could adapt. The Italian feinted another leap back the way he came, only hopping half the distance before he fired two fast, vicious punches at the much larger male. Both shots were aimed at the underside of his forearm, just below the wrist and between the radius and the ulna. Aro's arm was wide enough to permit his knuckles to sharply hit that sensitive area, thankfully.

Assuming Aro had not caught him by then, Sebastian was already twisting to snake around Aro's side and use Marino's back as a springboard to push himself off of into another back handspring to get some distance between them.

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