While looking up at the grey clouds, Jordyn's mind formed an empty measure of music. The five lines looked fresh and inviting to make a new song for her enjoyment. She fingered the the holes of her ocarina with her fingers. The song would be in a minor key, and would be played at approximately 90 beats per minute. When Jordyn wrote music she always tried to be as specific as possible, to avoid putting in unnecessary notes, or measures. The piece would start on a low E flat, the jump to a high E flat with a slur. Then to make it minor she would add a C sharp, then to a regular C, then B flat, A flat then F sharp, and back to low E flat again. She would have to mess around with the rhythms later. The piece would sound much better as a duet, which added half steps and chords. She pulled out her notebook from her bag, and wrote the notes down, while adding quarter notes, eighth notes, and sixteenth notes. She heard a footstep behind her while she was pulling out her ocarina to see what her new piece would sound like. She looked across the land behind her. There was nothing at the moment. She must have been getting paranoid. She turned back around, and put the ocarina to her mouth. She played the notes, and changed a few things. It hadn't sounded as minor as she had wished, but the piece was still in the works.

She put her instrument away, along with the music, and rested her hands by her sides. She played with a stray thread on the bottom of her jeans with her fingers. She looked up in front of her feeling puzzled. There was something near and she knew it. Something tickled her arm, but she ignored it thinking it was a bug. She itched the side of her arm, and closed her eyes. The tickle came again, and she turned around. Behind her was a female coyote, reddish brown in color, with bright green eyes. Jordyn jumped to her feet, and skipped backwards away from the woman. I must be in her territory," Jordyn thought. "Is this your territory. I didn't mean to disturb you. My name is Jordyn," the canine said, meaning every word.

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