summertime sadness
Shadow waited patiently for her to come out of hiding and once she did he pushed his nose into her chin and neck and gave her a friendly lick back as he smiled being in his lupus form and his tail moved faster now since he could see her and she seemed willing to talk to him. He was gentle in matters such as this and wasn't one to blurt things out and hope for the best but at the same time he was a creature of getting to the point so he gave a small whine and licked her ear as he spoke in a calm gentle manner" I heard about the pups....I unlike others know what that's like since I have lost young, three all still born and the loss of a mate is what caused me my pain and my foolish and stupid near taking of my own life. I didn't want you to be alone, not saying I don't trust you of course but at times it is better to be talked to and to get things off your chest. If you wish to talk well, here is your brother Shadow and if you do not wish to talk thenHe smiled a little" Perhaps you can introduce me to the I think it's a really Boy or girl?" He looked towards the bushes and saw something but it hid well, if not for the small smell he had picked up before then he would have have known any better but being an assassin and with all his training he was a little ahead of the curse you could say.

Shadows tail went a little quicker as he lowered his front in a play bow and he looked up to Drin and smiled lightly as he rolled to his back looking down at her now." What?.....this mighty hunter can look and act cute like a puppy so what....I love kids..." He chuckled lightly as he rolled to his side and he waited to see if Drin would introduce him to the hidden one or not. He knew it was a fox, being this close and remembering what Terra smelled like he knew that he had the ball on the money he just couldn't make out the gender not from coat smell alone anyway. His tail swayed and brushed the ground clean as he laid there looking nothing like a killer should and he didn't care. The only one he knew that hated that he could act this way even though he was a wolf was Augustus and in all seriousness he did not care what the man liked or wanted. Shadow thought for a second though that he needed to talk to the man figure out the reason behind him being so cold, it had to be more then simple hatred, probably caused though by his actions with Terra, how he pushed passed and protected her and didn't give him a second thought. He also knew that the moment he became an Epsilon that Augustus did not like that very much, Shadow however did not have that title now and the man would most likely use that against him but oh well, there little fight, hatred towards one another needed to end.

Shadow shook his head as he cleared his mind of such thoughts and he went back to focusing on his sister and her little friend, he would be kind and loving and supportive of anything that may come out of the bushes...he was positive that she would know this from there last meeting.

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