Every Move You Make

((442)) Haven't had the best of days, but hopefully will be in a better mood, and can get replies in quickly. Sorry this took so long.


The red merle luperci had wandered north, leaving his comfortable home in Halifax to explore the areas more. He'd gotten into the habit before finding a place to really settle down, and really rather enjoyed it. While on his walks, he could not only keep himself in shape, and therefore fit and healthy, but he occasionally came along some pretty interesting individuals, some of which he could now call friends.

Broad shoulders rolled as he stretched some, sitting down to take a break from his prolonged journey. He didn't even plan to leave the Eastern Rise, but his curiosity got the best of him, and he regretted nothing. Everything he came across was fascinating and strangely alluring to him in this new land, from the flora and fauna, to the inhabitants, packs and history of it all. He interested easily, but Harvey Butler had little doubt that anybody else would grow tired of Nova Scotia's interesting environment; there was always something going on or there to keep one amused.

The australian shepherd male was leaning up against a tree, enjoying the coolness of the shade. It was dark, and reminded him much of the weather his homeland of London. He missed the familiarity of the East End across the big blue sea, but he wasn't ashamed or upset with his choosing to leave. His past was something he did cause him misery and dismay, so being able to run away from the causes and memories all at once was glorious.

Not only could he start new, he had been so lucky! Already he'd met new friends, individuals that could possibly introduce him to the life of a pack... A pack, a larger group of these same, kind, caring, devoted individuals that were like a family! They had differences as even partners do, but they were a community that worked together for the better of the pack. More than he could say for his old group...

Eh, jus' forget 'em Harv. He laughed some, speaking softly to himself. The cockney dog sighed heavily, closing his bi-coloured blue and brown eyes as he relaxed, arms folded and held close to his scarred chest. He flopped ear even lay limp as the blotchy luperci enjoyed the calm, quiet surroundings. Cool, fresh air felt like something addicting as it flowed through his nostrils, each deep breath taking in more.

It was peaceful... And save for one incident with a mute coyote near the border of pack Harv admitted he probably shouldn't have gotten so close to, the Brit really had nothing to complain about. What happened, happened, and so far, good things were happening to him.

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Coding by Sie

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