undisclosed desires in your heart

Colibri Haki
WC: 716

Saul settled on the floor nearby, ready and waiting. Lilin chose to sit upon the mattress, gently stroking her mane. They were both here for her, Saul and Lilin. They were her family and she loved them. She finally had a family, and she could only pray that she wouldn't be torn away from them tonight. Coli had never been particularly brave -- her life was one long string of cowardly decisions -- but tonight she would try her best to hold on and be brave for their sake. They were doing the same for her, and she had to earn that devotion, not just continue to soak it up and offer nothing in return.

Saul rolled his hands over her abdomen, checking her stomach the same way he had that sunny day in the garden when he first guessed what was ailing her. He didn't say anything, and she swallowed nervously, hoping that meant there was nothing wrong. "Do you know how many?" she asked meekly, waiting for the next contraction to harden her abdomen again. It had to be more than two, she was fairly certain -- she was so heavy for her small frame, there had to be a lot of them. She touched his shoulder briefly, wordless thanks for keeping his promise.

You've wanted this for so long... Lilin was right, of course. Coli was finally going to be a mommy, against all the odds; it was certainly unconventional, but in this moment she wasn't thinking about their father or their future. A little flutter of excitement brought a tiny smile to her face, and she moved the Frithr pendant to her lips, kissing it in thanks. For all the horrible things she went through to get here, for all the pain she still had to endure tonight, she was still going to have her wish fulfilled. It didn't make it any less terrifying, but she had a reason to survive.

When Lilin reprimanded her, she stopped pawing at the blanket and instead wriggled backwards on the mattress until she could lay her head in her sister's lap. She closed her eyes, pressing her face against the curve of Lilin's belly to block out everything that was going on. It was easy to lose track of time -- it was only minutes, but it could have been hours -- as the contractions gained intensity, leaving her only moments to feebly catch her breath before they rippled through her again. She was trembling, from fear or exhaustion or a combination of the two. The one mercy was that her frantic mind was beginning to shut down, letting instinct take over the natural process.

Suddenly she flinched, digging her claws into the blanket as she gave a strangled whine. "It's coming," she called through gritted teeth, twisting her body as the tension built to an unbearable level. It felt like she would be rent asunder by the impossible pressure. How was she supposed to do this? Her back arched as she struggled to push, to get past what she knew was the hardest part. Somehow, generations of ingrained knowledge exerted her muscles to do the job they were designed for, and the first pup emerged in a rush of fluids. She whimpered, tired body going limp as her muscles relaxed.

Coli was shaking violently, panting with relief. The coppery scent of blood hung in the air, as well as others she couldn't recognize such as amniotic fluids. She was too tired to even lift her head and look, to see the puppy she had just brought into the world. "Is... is it okay...?" she asked breathlessly, still with her eyes tightly shut. Of course she was afraid; what if it was stillborn? What if she had failed already? She had tried to eat well and stay healthy while she carried them, but whether or not she had succeeded was yet to be seen. There were others to come, though she could not tell how many. "I'll do the rest later," she murmured weakly, smiling faintly up at Lilin. Her sister was the brave one, not her. Coli just had to lay back and let nature take its course, but Lili was fully aware of everything. She would do her best to return the favor.

I know you've suffered But I don't want you to hide
It's cold and loveless, I won't let you be denied
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart

template by revo. modification by Becca <3


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