undisclosed desires in your heart

-- the end, bros.

Saul's confidence was astonishing. Had he done this before? How many other pregnant females had he assisted in such a way? She thought about this for a moment, wondering if his qualifications and vast knowledge all came from the books he read. She kept a critical eye on his intervention, waiting for what felt like forever. Lilin did her very best to keep herself from worrying over the amount of blood her sister had lost thus far. Her nieces were becoming restless; their squeaks awfully demanding. An exhale of her own accompanied her mate's relieved sigh and as he pulled away, the Soulstorm heir allowed herself to take a step forward. Following Colibri's heartwarming conviction, Lilin gave in to Saul's tender kiss with folded receivers.

A ''thank you'' was mouthed to him as he left the room, leaving the two Souls sisters to with Vinatta's newborn Aeska. Lilin brought them over to their mother, hesitating a moment before placing them next to their dam. She said nothing, feeling as if congratulations were a bit cliché and unnecessary. The Virding did the only comforting thing she could think of without imposing- she sat on the edge of the makeshift mattress; silently watching over her family and thanking the Gods for their mercy.

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