joyeux anniversaire
Probably my last post for this thread. Hope you don't mind me cutting it shortish. ;;

Skoll had dreamed about kissing Adelle once, but in the dream she’d been smaller, and he’d been the one to hold her rather than stretching up like some coy girl to steal a peck. There had been sparks, or something, to make it seem right.

He could sense that something was wrong when they kissed, because even while there was a sort of thrill running through him, there wasn’t much of a response; her large body had stiffened. He opened his eyes to see her icy blue ones staring down at him in surprise. Immediately, he pulled back and flattened his ears, regretting the moment and hating himself, reasoning that she probably hated him too.

“I thought—” the boy, for he was just a boy now, stammered. His ears continued to sink lower in his messy blonde mane until he thought they might disappear. “I’m sorry, I have to go,” he lied more curtly, but he made sure to reach to squeeze her hand and then lift it to his lips for a chaster kiss, gentleman to lady rather than boy to girl. He then stepped back then went to Hwin, who nickered as he mounted her before turning one last time to the girl.

“Thank you for everything, Adelle. I’ll remember what you said and…” Skoll trailed off, not sure what he was supposed to say, trying to crush his frustration and disappointment and the embarrassment that flushed his cheeks. “See you later; take care of yourself, babe,” he said clumsily, and kicked his heels into the bay mare’s flanks to ride off.

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