[p]Changing Before his Eyes
"Baby," he whined, mimicking her tone. He then guffawed heartily, placing his hard hands on his hips. The territory didn't seem like a place to get hunting but with night surrounding them, it was a good enough time to set up camp. Raising his narrow muzzle to the air he could could detect a faint scent in the midst of a languid breeze. It was just a touch, but it was enough for his mouth to begin to water. There was prey nearby, freshly killed and easy for the picking. Helios was a strong animal, he was sure whatever was thrown at him would be easy enough to force away from a hunk of flesh. Huffing, he glanced back over to his sister, she seemed keen enough just to sit there until there was food brought to her. "You stay put here, Mayflower, Helios the Handsome is going to save the day!" He tacked on a cheesy smirk and melted from his muscular optime into a surprisingly feral secui build.

His odd eyes were wild looking, spurred by the scent of blood on the wind. He hadn't had a good scuffle for near a whole month. Fighting with prey just wasn't the same, though the occasional duel with a strong old buck often provided ample entertainment. Another canine though, that was an entirely different war to wage. Crushing teeth, rippling muscles and ferocious tendencies all out marked that of a stag that fought only to defend itself. Helios' gold and blue eyes brightened up as his fur rose along his back in anticipation. "Be back soon, Mayflower," he growled, "Dinner will be served."

Spurring himself into a heavy trot he broke off into the sparse foliage that surrounded them, nose twitching and searching for the scent of gore he had just barely tasted before. The hunger in the pit of his stomach made the slathering look on his face seem all the more ferocious. His violent appearance was his favorite tactic to use and the added effect of different colored eyes made him appear almost insane. His easy lope became a full fledged run as he caught onto the smell, and he was getting stronger by the second. A snarl awoke on his jaws, providing an eerie precursor to the canine that was about to lose their dinner. He could see them now, a wolf, focused more on her feast that him. With a rush of velocity, he propelled himself into the air aiming for her turned back.

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