[p]Changing Before his Eyes
Words; 211

Mmm... Succulent flesh of the falltime rabbit... her favorite. The flavors exploded over her parched tongue and slithered down her dry throat- reminding her that she must scout for fresh water next. But those plans were going to have to wait, for at the moment, a curious thudding sound of pounding paws alerted the she-wolf. Lyris's head instinctively jerked to the right, revealing a side of her face we had not seen before. A thick, ugly scar ran from the base of her jaw and twisted in a lightning-bolt pattern before curling over her evergreen eye. It marred her beautiful features- but gave her a menacing look as she bared her teeth, which she did now. Quickly thinking, Lyris shot up to her paws and kicked her rabbit as hard as she dared, causing it to slide over damp grass and come to a rest beneath a tree. A snarl ripped from her lips and Lyris ducked, her small, petite form easily shooting between the Luperci's thick legs. The canine now twisted on hind paws and slashed a pair of ivory claws into furry haunches, drawing a dark, crimson liquid. "Find your own food, you lazy moron!" Lyris hissed, a feathery tail lashing as her scarred features twisted into hatred.

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