[m] Killjoy
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.
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Setting Location Form NPCs
Date: 17 Sept* (Forward-dated)

Weather: Overcast with a cool, misty breeze

Time: Mid-afternoon

Sonje by Sie!

A horse lay dying on the rocky bay's edge, afflicted with two broken legs and an irreparable skull fracture from the accidental slip and resulting fall. Sonje only stared, listening to its labored breathing and ignoring the shivers traveling the length of her spine. She attributed it to the watery breeze, not the sight of the suffering creature before her. It wasn't Jagga, but another mare, a young chestnut with a small white blaze on her forehead. The blaze was almost completely obscured by blood now, at which Sonje couldn't cease to stare.

In her desperate hunger, she'd gone for the irregular bout of horse meat, chasing a thin, wild mare out into the openness of the Waste. The rocks proved too uneven and slick for the horse to traverse, and had fallen terribly before Sonje could kill her herself. When she'd started tracking the equine, she'd left Jagga back in the woods, perhaps too ashamed to be hunting one of her brethren. Sonje had done it before—and she'd do it again when/if the time came—but she wasn't prone to this meal choice. She felt even more guilty now, watching her die slowly. All the same, her guilt didn't guide her to a mercy killing of the horse, she just stared, having never paid attention to the amount of fear and light in a dying creature's eyes.

Wide and wet, her large eye stared unseeingly into the clouded sky, blood trickling from the gash on her forehead and from the corner of her mouth, pooling uncomfortably beneath her head. Sonje watched, crouching beside her, fascinated and wondering. She held Viper possessively in her hands, prepared to stab the horse to death, but she hesitated (even in her hunger). She could not explain the sudden intrigue, but she'd been doing a lot of strange things lately, and it seemed mostly associated with the fresh evolving of hormones—though she didn't know this—as Sonje was undoubtedly a woman now, of tastes different from her childhood and what they used to be.

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