it's not the last word you'll hear
[html]sort and sweet

Anu nodded her head, eyes looking at her white companion and then her dark furred son. Cypress nodded, having already spoken his piece, the male stayed silent. He was no doubt excited at the prospect of helping the pack, with the alpha so excited about the skills he owned. Anu felt a swelling sense of pride rise inside, a familiar feeling when it came to her offspring. Thank you Saul. It was all Anu could say at this point. She was just so grateful for the feeling of relief that his words gave her.

She took a step closer to Taui as they all began the short trek into the pack lands, her fur brushing lightly against that of the other woman. She did not say anything, hidden away in her own thoughts of the future. She could not foresee the faces that she would meet here, but there was no anxiety in her head or hesitation in her heart. They had finally found a place, and there was a security here that they could not find out in the free lands.

Anu dipped her head, watching her paws fall along the soon to be familiar path, and smiled.


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