after the gates opened
[/html]Hybrid didn't normally giggle, but for this ghostly girl, he would certainly make an exception. If Aeron had not slept her way to the top, how the hell had acquired the position of leader? The entire concept baffled him because he remembered Aeron as the woman with the traps, the woman who fought with sticks and tricks. She must have found some means of acquiring the position. Merit seemed too foreign to Hybrid. Though, the girl said that the leaders had not been 'stable,' so he wondered if it meant that she had overthrown them or if they had left of their own accord.

"My deal? I made no deal. I killed and died of my own volition." He frowned and then flicked his ear. "Well? Which way to the caves, then? I've yet to see if Aeron had held up her deal and killed the abominations." [html]

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