[MaMa] [p] any other name
Nuuu I am.[html]
[/html] The reassurance was not quite that; it was more of a preparing statement, one that fell into a long pause in which Skoll was aware of his breathing and how it matched hers even now. Her next words and the squeeze of his hand only brought more cruel anticipation, dread mingled with the stone-cold optimism that it will always be okay, and he could imagine a million things that she might need to tell him, some of them with consequences that would impact his entire life in the worst and the best ways. But he tried not to settle on any one thought, his green eyes instead staring into hers with mingled concern and trust, his throat clenching around a lump that he pushed down noisily back to his twisting stomach.

The small, dark she-wolf suddenly burst out that she was not Nahyt, and the boy’s brow furrowed under his untamed blond bangs. He didn’t understand; she couldn’t be an imposter; he knew the smell and feel of her well enough, how her midnight hand fell into his morning one, how they touched and spoke and a million other little things that he knew he couldn’t forget for as long as he lived.

And, suddenly, the rest of the truth followed. His eyes widened even as hers fell to the earth, but the shock flickered quickly over his features then faded into deep contemplation. “What else?” he prompted, his voice smoother than usual as he stifled his thoughts—but not cold in the least, and accompanied by another, more fragile press of her hand fallen into his. She wouldn’t have kept something as trivial as a name from him; he expected that there would be more, and only once he had heard what “more” entailed could he decide what this might change.[html]

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