[MaMa] Nigohilvi
It was an old habit calling females babe or baby. Perhaps it was why she hated it so much, the woman was quite stubborn and full of pride. Of course, she hated it since he'd used that phrase on so many others. She stood out among them all, and he couldn't blame her for not wanting to be called Baby or babe. He gave a sly grin as he tried to appease her with an look that twisted his smile into an apologetic one. The woman then went off into a stream of nonsensical jumble of language he'd been trying to learn just for her. Damn it, woman! His ears pulled back and he tried to review the words in his mind. Okay.. he tried to encourage himself. Finally a few words connected. She'd called him wicked. Yes, he was sure that was one of the words. His ears then perked as confidence resumed back over him. He pulled her close nearly cooing with himself. "Mmm, am I really? Should I remind you just how wicked I am so I can have a new nickname..perhaps your personal, Askina?" He hoped that was right, he was trying to say demon or devil in her native tongue, emphasis trying.

Her playful nature getting to the male. He was always easily turned on by her, but he tried to keep himself in check. As quickly as she became playful, she could easily become serious. This was just that time when she spoke seriously about her spear. His eyes looked at the new treasure of hers and allowed her space now that she took a more serious note. His ocean eyes inspected it. "..so, getting used to it yet? You seemed like you were being quite agile. Your compensation for the balance looked good. Are you wanting to test it on some dummy targets before taking it out on a hunt?" His eyes then looked back to her. She always seemed much more serious about training than he. Maybe because he was so carefree and probably had an odd sense of invisibility. "...I can always make you a few with some hide and sheep's wool.." He grinned knowing he had fairly good skills with threads and needles.

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