[M] [MaMa] I could Charm you
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

[html]The calico eyes blinked open, as she took in the scent of the new day, a new day that she know that her beloved Aeron was going to spend at her side. The calico female gave a soft needy whine as she rolled over and started to rub her muzzle though what she had thought was her beloved. The scent did not match up, in fact she knew that scent. That scent was of Deuce Rhiannon, mate stealer extraordinary! Charm’s head jolted up and her ears quickly flattened against her head as she snarled down at her. What had happened last night? Where was her Aeron? Charm looked down at the white lady, her eyes were wide with panic, had Deuce took away her Aeron, her beloved golden babe of a mate? Crap….had Aeron ran off with Lillth? Leaving Charm to deal with this life without her? ”Listen closely. Where is My Aeron? Did you steal her like you did Soran?” Charm didn’t know that Deuce did not trust any coyote, if she would have known this she would have probably just assumed that she had found a way to have her Aeron kidnapped….Stupid mate stealer. [/html]

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