[MaMa] waiting on a moment here with you
The pale healer stretched and yawned, the familiar scent of his mate coming to him as he rolled sleepily over and nuzzled into the other male. They both had tragic pasts, but on pure chance they had met and over time fallen in love. Tal was glad that Harvey had come to D'Arte when he'd asked him to, glad that the male had chosen to stay with him. Tal sleepily licked Harvey's chin before murmuring softly, "Morning handsome."

He was happy, though he did feel the occasion pang of guilt over both Gemma and Sky. Thinking of Sky, it was probably time he man up and go visit her and his children, Cody and Lena. He hated them living so far away. Well, he hated Cody and Lena being so far away. He honestly could care less about Sky. By now she was probably shacked up with Shawchert, or maybe she'd managed to get in Zalen's (metaphorical) pants.

The healer didn't care, and the thought of his former mate was making him cross. He drew in a deep breath of Harvey, and reminded himself that she was in the past, and his future was with the handsome brute next to him. He licked his mate's chin again, and then sat up, feeling playful. "Come on, sleepy head. Time to face the sun!." He poised his fingers to tickle the male, his tail wagging.

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