[m] [MaMa] spilled milk tears
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain graphic violence. Reader discretion is advised.
Lemme know if I need to change anything! :3
[/html] She stepped through the virgin snow, the wind tousling her pale blonde hair. Her hands were shoved in the deep pockets of her tan trench coat, and her fingers wrapped tightly around the pointy steel surprises nestled safely there. She stopped and glanced over her shoulder, wondering if the wolf would follow her or if it’d wizened up after the first of her sharp little toys had pierced its eye. Then again, knowing the restless soul that followed her, that wolf was probably in a different kind of hell now.

Shiloh hunched her shoulders and trekked onward, leaving long-strided footprints behind her, and her brow furrowed as it always did when she was deep in thought. How many months had it been since the ghoul first rose up and attached himself to her? Time seemed to pass differently now that he was around, though the days went by with agonizing slowness in the beginning—when every other word that came out of his mouth was a threat against her family. She’d bargained for their lives, and she knew they were safe and happy in Vinátta, all of them—Saul and Niernan, Lilin and Colibri, the puppies who would be half-grown by now. Still, sometimes she thought the best thing would be for her to return and protect them, she who’d since discarded her loud-colored dresses and pretenses of pride.

Or maybe she was growing too dangerous, feeding off the company she kept, his perverse desires and chaotic actions. She handled the shuriken nervously then let out a soft cry when one of the blades cut into her finger. She withdrew her hand quickly, peering at the blood welling from the dark-colored pad to creep down and stain her palm. Distaste flashed across her cerulean blue eyes, but she only pivoted and stared impatiently from whence she’d come, reaching up to brush her hair out of her face when the wind howled and smearing red across her cheek. Once upon a time, the thought of blood staining her pretty muzzle might have caused Shiloh Dawnbringer to faint.

She thought she might like it, now.

Worse, she thought she might like him.

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