[m] [MaMa] spilled milk tears
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[/html]A tongue flickered out along her finger, and the dead man drank the drop of blood. She watched his face with a mixture of revulsion and fascination, repelled and attracted by the sparking of his eye—blue eclipsing yellow with finality.

The demon, the death-god, spoke an admonishment, and Shiloh allowed herself a smile with sharp yet unstained fangs.

“I should be,” the snowy-furred woman agreed, and the smile vanished into seriousness as her cerulean gaze washed carefully over his face. She was not quite sure what she was looking for—answers, maybe, an answer as to why she was not afraid. The spirit possessing this withering body was tainted by the pain of hundreds of individuals, hurt both directly and indirectly by his chaotic rule. He was the embodiment of the Earth’s cruelty, and yet this fact did not send her fleeing from him, fleeing to save her skin and a thousand things purer than her skin. Maybe it was her own stubbornness, her refusal to give in to the fear that so many others had—or maybe it was something more than that, something as twisted and wrong as the swaying corpse before her.

Shiloh reached out again, touching his face and the fur matted with blood. “Why aren’t I?”


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