[MaMa] Light Trip
Her grin grew brighter under his gaze, tail wagging wildly. Occasionally she caught glimpses of Ayita in him, though those moments were rare. She hadn't suffered as the family had, though she had done her best to be there. Kable had noticed her then, living when the rest moved as if death had settled around them. Terra hadn't taken much notice at first, involved as she was with her tricks and games, but the soft call of his music had quickly brought her to his side, rapt attention held just for him.

Bumped Terra yipped out, leaning back to lick at his cheek, almost tip toeing up. Darting forwards she spun back to face him. The entire world is ours for the taking. Wildly she danced around, just taking in everything that was there. Terra really did believe that they could conquer the world together. Not that she had the slightest interest in doing such a thing. It just meant that it was that much more difficult to get her to stop taking what she wanted. Heading back to his side Terra nuzzled in, breathing his familiar scent. Will you travel it with me?

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