[MaMa] Center of the Storm
The affection they showed for each other was rough and genuine, both loving nestling into each other and holding each other close. His tongue grazed over her head, a soft pressure that brought a pleased rumble from her. Her ears flicked at his nip, shifting so they weren't so easy to pull at. It was a nice feeling, tugged at playfully. The feel of his breath against her skin was amazing, doing her best to not sigh like a child in ecstasy and melt away under his touch.

The pleasant rumble of his voice came forwards, quiet enough that no one else would be able to hear what they discussed. I'm thinking that my dreams are coming true. Her own voice was light, almost purring as it came out, rapturous in tone. I have a powerful mate, pups who will carry on the family name, and influence that's finding it's way into every pack. Just the thought of it sent her snuggling closer to him, tail beating happily at the thought. His other half, the deadly one, amused Amy when she heard tales of what he did, though Itzal was the one who kept her heart locked up.

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