[MaMa] Center of the Storm
His hand ran down her back, Amy doing her best to not feel disgust about the marring scars that were there. A record of the fights that she'd made. One from when she'd been a stupid youth, just learning how to be an assassin from a botched job. She had made her kill, but she'd almost died in the process. The other two were from a sword fight, a matching set that was nowhere near as horrific as the first, more shallow but just as ugly in her mind. She hated that they were there, marring her perfect fur. His touch was delicious though, wiping such thoughts away.

Kisses continued to trail against her, Itzal only pausing long enough to digest what she said with a laugh. Amy leaned against his warmth, kissing him back just as fervently. She couldn't get too involved. She did have a meeting that she had to attend later. If she didn't show up they might just try to steal from her, and being forced to kill such good resources would be terrible. And what about us? Sliding closer Amy nipped at his neck. Do we get to entertain ourselves? There was one reason, and one reason only why they owned separate rooms, and that was to make sure that they could actually get sleep instead of just playing with each other all the time.

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