[MaMa] Center of the Storm
OOC : They are kind of good together. Lol

The fact that she hated her scars was no secret to him. But Itzal thought otherwise, he loved her scars just like she loved his. They showed that she was a fighter and a survivor. Itzal wanted to show her how beautiful the scars made her but she never listened. So instead he just marveled at them. They both had their battle scars and he liked that.

He knew about her meeting and kept that in mind as the two exchanged kisses. He knew that they couldn't do all that they wanted to right now but that didn't mean they couldn't touch. Itzal trembled under her as she nipped his neck and pressed herself closer to him. She was the only female he had meant who could make him tremble like that just from being this close to him. "Yes, we do. But only when we have the time too." He said, as he playfully tugged at one of her ears again. Itzal knew the reason behind the separate rooms. He didn't like that she wasn't always there when he woke up in the middle of the night but he knew that it wouldn't work any other way. The two never got enough sleep when they were in the same bed together at night.


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