[MaMa] Center of the Storm

Even though the two of them had separate rooms, they both had clothes for the other in theirs. They had found out very early on that their clothes tended to be a causality of them spending time alone together. So each of them stocked an outfit or two in their room for the other. Itzal was chuckling as she was searching for some clothes. Never get to finish the fun. He thought but he was smiling, to show that he understood she had to go. It was business after all.

Itzal walked up behind Amy and reached over her shoulder, snatching up a blouse and jeans that wouldn't show off anything under her clothes. Itzal knew she had to hide her weapons but Itzal also wanted her to hide other things. Things like the way the curves on her body were nothing less than perfect. He handed her the clothes without a word, just grinning. Then he kissed the back of her neck and inhaled her scent, "Come find me when you get home." He growled playfully in her ear. If things went good, they would celebrate. And if things went badly, Itzal wanted to hear about it.

Itzal walked over to his bed and laid down. He would go find the pups in a minute and maybe go and hunt something down for them. He might let the more mature one go on the hunt with him, but only if he thought they were truly ready. He watched while Amy got dressed, frowning as all of her beautiful body disappeared under the clothes. But he was happy, because the people she was meeting wouldn't have the slightest clue what kind of angelic body Amy had.

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