[MaMa] Trapped in Your Embrace
He loved her touch. It comforted him a lot, just touching another canine. It reminded him that he wasn't as cut off from everything as he felt at times. He returned the touch, his arms pulling her as tight to his body as he could manage. He needed this, to be able to drink in her scent and her warmth. Staying as he was was more difficult than he told her. He felt isolated in his clumsiness. His ear flattened slightly at her laughter, knowing that what he'd proposed was pretty unlikely. He knew how to hunt, but getting this body to work as he needed it to was an entirely different matter.

The chastisement in his words only brought a low growl from him, nuzzling into her neck. I can take care of it. Alright, so she had a good point about not being fast enough to catch anything. He had his pride. He wasn't a very good mate if he couldn't care for her at all, or do anything to show that he appreciated and cared for her. Sighing at her request he glanced over to the pelts. You have been caring for me for some time. I'm going to go soft. His voice was light, chuckling a little.

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