Sinful Past
She had been curious, so she came with determination to investigate the place that her siblings dwelt. She couldn't remain in Anathema for her entire life, never learning what was beyond it. Pride's preparations for this were rather simple, unsure of what she was supposed to bring for such an occasion. The daggers that she knew how to use, and a small pack with some food were all that she'd brought along. Her cloak was draped along her thin frame, gazing up at the skulls marking the borders.

They didn't send any fear through her frame. Pride could tell that they were the skulls of wolves, and as far as she knew she was pure coyote. The borders had a strong feeling coming from it, that of warriors and those that would battle. It almost sang in her blood, calling to her. Shaking her head the young coyote looked inwards. She had other things to be doing. Lifting her head Pride howled, a bright coyote's cry that echoed through the air, asking for someone to come. Lowering her head Pride wondered if she should have brought any gifts with her. That would have been wise. Perhaps she could talk her way around the need for such things.

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