[MaMa] Heavy Dose of Atmosphere
OOC – Oh, dear lord! I hope this is okay!! He's in lupus form ;x

IC –

She'd left for him. For the monstrous being that continually found confusion in every day life. Every thing he thought about was a merge of what Fang would have said and what Toby would have felt. There was a mass of chaos that ran through Toby's brain and he was in dire need of straightening life out once and for all. The only thing he was for sure about now was her. Kiara was his sweet, sweet angel amongst all the skeletons that stalked him everywhere he went. She was the reason he had continued breathing after the melt down she'd caught him in when they had met.

It had been a day in August, when everything was positively beautiful except for the dying lives that flickered in a circle around the hound's feet. He had been exhausted; all the effort he'd put into becoming a good person finally wearing him down. It was she who had appeared when he had made the desperate call for salvation to whomever was listening up above. Whether the deity he'd convinced himself to talk to had answered or not, Toby had been amazed at the breath taking appearance of her gleaming, white fur in the meadow. Ever since her assistance on the wound in his heart and mind, he'd never been away from her long.

Now she'd become his within a split-second decision for her to come away with him. She'd abandoned all that she'd known for the two headed demon that talked to himself and swore at his own actions. As she lay where he'd left her to go hunting for their lunch, he'd pondered just how terrible of a decision he had allowed her to make. Successful in his hunting, he forced the thoughts from his mind and made his way back toward his new found mate.

"Hey," he said through a mouthful of meat before depositing the carcass beside her. In the heat of the day, an arctic animal was sure to be miserable and drenched in sweat. His head dipped down and he gently brushed his tongue on her forehead as if to reassure her that the sun wouldn't kill his angel. As he plopped down beside her, he left enough room for an occasional breeze to ease her suffering and reached for a hunk of fresh kill. "I'm sorry about the heat... We really should go for a visit to a lake or beach..."

He attempted to be casual, but the belief that she might of wronged herself for him was still fresh in his mind. Considering that she seemed to be annoyed by the sun, Toby wouldn't take any given opportunity to bring the subject up. Instead, he'd let her rest in his loving company and pray that she'd been smart.

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