[M] [MaMa] sink of blood and crushed veneer
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.



Teme Lupus is by Alaine!

Disbelief would probably be an understatement for the male. Anger and rage were warring with the unconditional love he felt for the vixen in mind, the frustration of not knowing the whole story. Regardless of not having the whole picture, Temeraire knew what he'd been told. She'd never wanted him, she'd only wanted it. His cursed family promise, a heavy weight that seemed to drag him down wherever he went. The fact that she not only knew about it, but had wormed her way into his life to get to it was like a stab to his heart. He loved her and even with this rageful thoughts racing around in his head, a larger part of him clung to the hope that it wasn't true. She loved him too, surely? Even as he thought it, a more practical part of him tried to squash it. He must not get soft- he knew the information to be true. His mate had only ever been with him for her own personal gain.

Unable to hold the choke of anger and despair any longer, the male dropped his head towards the floor for a moment. Stormbringer blue eyes were shining, his stomach roiling. He didn't want to believe it, but his friend wouldn't lie to him. He'd told Sonje this morning that he was going to meet an old friend- not a lie, the letter had arrived a few days ago informing the male that they had an issue to discuss. And it had been the worst meeting of his life. How could she do this to him? He'd given himself to her completely, everything he had he gave to her, his virginity, his life, his love. And it had all been a lie. These thoughts were poisonous and he tried as hard as he could to school a more neutral expression. He just wanted to speak to her, find out, from her, whether his friend had the truth of it.

Entering their small home, Temeraire was at least reassured that his possession was safe. He was well aware that his mate couldn't read and with a sickening wretch, he realised why she'd stuck around. She couldn't just steal it- she had to get him to give it to her. Over the past months of their whirlwind relationship, Sonje had expressed a wish to learn to read, which had pleased the dark male greatly. He'd set about the task with vigor, thinking his mate wanting to improve her literacy for their sakes. Gripping the string of the bow across his chest, Temeraire moved towards the house. He would prove willing to listen and as he entered, a soft call came from him. Sonje? Are you here sweetheart? The endearment felt acidic on his tongue as he quickly removed the bow and quiver from his person and hung them in their usual spot by the door. His shorts concealed his dagger, though he couldn't control the rapid breaths he took to try and calm himself. Blue eyes narrowed and he began to move, silent footsteps through the house.

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