Join Me My Friends
Ulilohi had come reluctantly. Or, that might not be the right word. Still, she was not comfortable. It was odd to her to meet with all these strangers and non-strangers as if they had connection. Sure; Ulilohi had spoken to some of the leaders of the region before, or their more trusted pack members. She could understand the meeting's function, but she just wasn't really that interested in it. She could think of numerous better things to do than to join Io here and share a meal with some other personalities that she may or may not ever speak with again. Atisia had reprimanded her, talking about how important diplomacy was and that it was a great opportunity. He sat on her shoulder and occasionally sent her glances that she could very easily understand. It didn't change the fact that Ulilohi would rather be home and practice the spear.

She grew less stubborn and her mood improved greatly as the event itself started. Jazper opened with a proposition, and her ears moved as she tipped her head to the side, interested. She could have been less interested if it had been someone else than he making the suggestion, but he was not unlikable in the least, and she had no thoughts of him than positive. Her head nodded in silent agreement and she glanced to another who asked for details regarding the treaty. Ulilohi spoke out, not shy and glad that something worthwhile was happening already. The faster she could go home the better. "Perhaps an agreement of hospitality?" It would be comforting if she and her tribesmembers knew that wherever they went in the southern regions, a pack could help them or shelter them if they needed it. The councilwoman sent a glance to Io, as if asking what the bi-colored one thought of it, though in silence.

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