[MaMa] Wilderness
OOC: noooo! completely butchered

Her scent wandered all over the place. The scarred male guessed that very little hunting had actually been accomplished on her trip. Chuckling good naturedly he continued on. At least the sun wasn't setting, even if it was a bother not knowing where she was. At least he was fairly certain that she hadn't gotten into any danger while she was out and about. Coming near a stream he frowned, wondering what she'd been doing. The crashing noises ahead alerted him to the fact that he was pretty close to her presence.

Looking up he did his best not to grin as a wide eyed Sighet came bursting through the bushes, looking slightly frantic. There you are! His stance quickly changed to that of a hunter, long legs carrying him forwards as he reached out with his arms to scoop her up. He wasn't going to let her get away as easily as that! Growling he moved into her path, brown eyes gleaming. He wasn't mad yet, but there was no need to let her in on that little secret. It would be good if she decided to behave from this.

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