Flames reunited
OCC: Fails I forgot to grammar check doing that now.
Desired Profession Path: a teacher, fire tender, or what ever you need most.
NPC's: not at the moment

Fire sniffed the air crouched low in her humanoid form. Her long black hair pulled back with a ribbon. Her slender face was accented, but filled with unease. She was standing by the border, and on the border was the small deer she managed to bring down as a peace offering. Her ears laid back knowing it wouldn't work, since when she brought it down she had tripped and fallen into the border. Hence why the deer was half on half off. Sighing she turned away leaving the deer for the moment to get her own breakfast.

The pale sun was peaking up over the trees before she managed to return, the small rabbit tucked into her now wolf form muzzle. Gently she laid it down and took a generous bite. Chewing quickly she reached back down for the heart. Extracting it she turned away from both her catches. And walked back to the thick cover of the woods. Silently moving though the underbrush she found a spot of soft dirt. Turning she dug a shallow hole and placed the cooled heart inside it. "My this prey be reborn in flesh as well as spirit."

Quickly she padded back to the deer and took one more bite from the rabbit. Swallowing, she slowly lifted her head to the warm sun,"HELLO!" She howled before laying down by the rest of the rabbit. She would save it for the wolf that came to her.

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