Refuse to Run
Amy ignored his struggle with the fabric, instead smiling when he settled down with it on. Being civilized wasn't easy after all. It meant following a certain culture, wearing clothes instead of running around like the barbarians that lived here. It would take time, but Amy was sure that he would adapt to wearing clothing, and hopefully feel the same way she did when her clothes were removed. Kohaku's sudden focus did alert her how different her words were. Amy wasn't about to back down however, and smiled tightly.

I'm going to fight them, and show them how stupid it is to pick a fight with me. Something I can't do when I have to concentrate on defending Lucias. She'd just get in the way. That's why I need you to take care of her. She wasn't going to trust Adara with such a task. She was a slave, and would probably just mess up. Getting Kohaku there was also important, as Amy didn't want him to be contaminated by his mother and have all her hard work undone. He was to stay away from them.

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