New pack idea
It is not in their personality, but in the culture of the families they came from, where Shadowfang's family gives each member a secret "demon" name for when they become cold killers. Shadowfang escaped that expectation, though his demon side may be aroused by the presence of someone who is evil.

Thana comes from a killer family as well, and though she is now a softie she actually had previously built a reputation on skinning canines and keeping their pelts. Anna was not adopted but a slave, and becoming Thana's child is one of Amy's disappointments and another reason for Amy to half kill Thana when they meet up again.

Playing someone who is evil is extremely difficult, as it tends to create powerful enemies, and end in a short life span. Taking all that into consideration, a demonic hierarchy fits.

And I do agree with expanding the definition. "Must be proficient with two different weapons, or be sufficiently stealthy" or something along those lines.

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