Preparing for the worst
Sebastian snickered under his breath at Alister's discomfort. Yes, he was terribly mean for making him uncomfortable, but the Italian didn't think it was all that serious. What was life without a few jokes? And this one happened to be quite amusing. The Italian didn't have as much strength in his arms as the stranger or Hadley, but he had very sharp eyesight and finely tuned reflexes. He hardly had to worry about missing the nail or hitting his fingers, letting him put more power behind his blows. This let him at least attempt keep up with the much larger men.

"Alisterrr Callow," he mused, rolling the R deep in his throat. No, he couldn't remember hearing that name before. Pity. "Yes, I'm Sebastian. Pleasurrrable to meet you, Alister." Sebastian flashed him a quick grin as he sauntered towards the pile of nails, his tail brushing completely accidentally against Alister's rear end as he leaned down to pick up a handful.

Turning back, he nodded wisely as he began to knock more nails into a new piece of timber. "Yes, I noticed that too. Not many true Italians, I fear, but plenty who speak the language." Another quick, sharp grin. "It was a pleasant surprise, actually."

Of course, Sebastian spared no thought for any jealousy Hadley might feel. He had long since ceased believing Hadley cared about his many and varied affairs and infatuations. "Oh, and that's Hadley. In case you didn't know." Sebastian jerked his head in Hadley's direction, offering the beefy ex-slave a warm smile.

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