A Storm of Fear
OOC: Enzo will be getting Neela moving shortly

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The sound of the puppies crying in fear seemed almost an appropriate match to Neela’s frantic breathing as she tried to figure out what the hell was going on. She had been shut up in the house as she was wont to recently but something was happening outside, a storm was building and the fearful cries of the Cavalierites as they set about their work heralded it’s coming.

Neela hated storms more than anyone she knew. Storms were death to a sailor but more than that they were harbingers of bad luck and death. With Isla still weak, sickly and looking a rabbits leap from death. The poor pups were terrified by the noise outside, mewling pathetically as they shook their blind heads around, trying to figure out what was going on and why everyone was shouting.

Neela sit against the wall, curled up around Isla and trying to hold the other three against her thigh with her tail. She tried to block everything out, ignore the panic and the impending storm but she couldn’t; the high pitched shrieks of the pups cut through any calm her mind tried to build like a knife, and Isla’s coughing at she tiny pups crying stressed her throat was the last straw.

Snarling to herself Neela got to her feet, holding Isla at tightly to her breast as she dared, trying to smother the infant in her chest fur; something that had seemed to comfort her in the past. It didn’t work now and as Neela made her way to the door and peered out Isla was still alternately crying and screaming from her mother’s arms as she made her way to the door, opening it and peering out into the town. The collie’s face for a statue of fear and directionless anger as she looked around from the shelter of her doorway, teeth bared in a grim snarl as though she was trying to scare the storm away.


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