Batten down the hatches
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Neela wanted to kill something.

The safety of her pups had been threatened. At ten days old even Luca, the strongest of them, was far too young to be moved much, never-mind Isla who hadn’t once seemed far from the brink of death in her short life. Still with Enzo’s help the pups had survived the journey into the courthouse and Neela had retreated to the lower levels, found a room that was empty and curled up in a corner, snarling at anyone who tried to enter.

Neela was currently sprawled in her Lupus form, curled up around the pups as they fed. She had gathered what pillows and blankets she could from the room to provide covering for the pups but it still didn’t seem enough and even Luca seemed to be shivering against her belly. Still despite the shock the pups were still moving at least – the feeling of tiny teeth against her teats was evidence for that – and even Isla, who had simply laid sprawled on the floor not moving since arriving, had managed to drag herself over and feed with some help.

The pups seeming safety now didn’t stop Neela’s anger at being uprooted like this though. She wanted to go up to what was threatening them and attack it, tear into the threat with tooth and claw and make her pups safe. But she couldn’t do that now, hurricanes and flood waters couldn’t be fought; all that Neela could do against these threats was cower in the corner like she was doing.

It was frustrating but that was all she could do. It took all Neela’s self control to stop herself snarling and raging at the situation; as good as letting some of her anger out would feel all it would do at the moment was scare the pups. Instead she was forced to keep her peace as best she could, able to do little more than gently lick at the pups and make soothing noises to try and calm them.


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