Batten down the hatches
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A deep throaty growl, loud enough to be heard outside the door clearly, emanated from Neela’s lungs when she heard the sound of footsteps approaching the door. The pups squirmed a bit in protest but didn’t show any overt signs of fear or stop feeding; somehow sensing that Neela was between them and whatever she was growling at. The growl cut short on Neela’s lips when Aly’s voice sounded through the door, more out of not wanting to growl at someone that she considered a friend than Neela actually being happy to have anyone at all dropping in to visit. While she wasn’t growling anymore Neela was silent, making no move to call out for Aly to enter.

The mention of blankets sweetened Neela’s disposition some – prompting a quick look over to where the pups were shivering against her side despite the blankets swaddled beneath them – and she called out, her voice still tense and short. ”Come in.” Neela called out, her voice half welcoming and half threatening the horrible fate that would befall Aly is she somehow managed to harm one of Neela’s children. Ruffling her fur unhappily Neela curled up around the pups a bit tighter and peered at the door, waiting for it to open.<


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