in slow motion, the blast is beautiful.


For Hotaru, backdated to September 10th.


Sherlock had had every plan on listening to Dahmer after their first initial meeting, when he had so angrily told her to go home. She remembered watching his retreating back with a strange feeling in her chest, unsure for one of the first times on what to say. He had come so close to forgiving her (or as much as he was willing to at that point, even though Sherlock still didn’t fully comprehend why he was so god damn angry with her for showing up in the first place) until he had seen something in her face. She suspected it was right at the end, right after she had finished voicing her apology- she remembered thinking how tedious the entire process of an apology was. The thing of it was though, Sherlock mused, was that she had meant every word that she had spoken; or once, it wasn’t just her saying what she thought someone would like to hear.

The small black female had left the forest where she had found Dahmer, originally planning on heading back to Jasper Valley, but the strange feeling in her chest had continued to get worse with every step she had taken. Instead, she had decided to give him his space, to give him time to allow his anger to evaporate. Naturally that meant finding something to occupy her mind with while she waited. She found herself at an overgrown cemetery, worn down gravestones covering a large portion of the land. Thinking that this would be a good place to start exploring, Sherlock spent five minutes stalking back and forth between the graves, trying to make out the faded letterings, before she found a spot under a tree and threw herself down on the ground unceremoniously. With a frustrated huff, Sherlock knew that it was no good; instead, she spent the next several days under the tree, not moving except to drink and eat at the bare minimum.

As she laid on the ground, the sun high up in the sky, Sherlock wondered what was so special about Dahmer that made her so willing to stick around for a week. Had she had that fight with anyone else, she would have let it roll off her back and be on her merry way- she didn’t care what others thought of her, so why did it matter to her that Dahmer was furious with her behaviour? Then again, Dahmer wasn’t just anyone. He was her partner back in Jasper Valley, and even more surprisingly, he was her one true friend. Was this what everyone felt like with their friends? Was she starting to begin to act... normal and dull? With a frustrated huff, she rolled to her other side, flattening the grass even further. She was bored and couldn’t even find the energy to really care.


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