gambling with a d20

-nibbleson- heeeeyyy

A youthful voice demanded an explanation into the dimming light. "Over here!" She called out and waved toward the still-faceless voice, but didn't move any further. Her position on the grasslands shouldn't be hard to see; though her mottled coloration lent itself nicely to concealment, she wasn't trying to hide. Festivity paused a moment to let the pack native approach, and then spoke again. "I am a storyteller by trade," her voice was rich and thickly accented but her diction was purposefully clear and grammar flawless. He - she at least thought the voice sounded masculine - ought to have no troubles understanding her. "I've come to offer you and yours a sampling of my skills, perhaps in exchange for a share of your meat and mead." She borrowed heavily on the flowery language she'd used in Europe, which served both as an introduction and a back door exit strategy.


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