All of us
OOC: another sorry for slowness! D:

Despite her relatively chirpy demeanour, Everly hadn't had a great deal of experience with livestock, and her nerves were beginning to show through as the strong beasts objected to the wild weather outside. Her ears remained plastered to her damp mane, and while her smile was a little weak when the earth toned woman pointed out the stick, there was distinct gratitude in her saffron eyes.

The anxious newcomer was doing her best to look self-assured (and in all honesty, was mostly failing), when the tri-coloured wolf entered the noisy building. The snowy white woman who came last moved so quickly that Ev barely had a chance to glimpse her. The lengthy stick was in the medicine woman's hand, her small paws carrying her back towards the door to make an attempt at herding the wayward bovine into a safe area when the lightning cracked. Everly's eyes narrowed to slits instinctively at the bright, almost painful flash of light, lifting the stick as if it could provide some protection.

For a few moments Everly was frozen, facing out into the terrible storm like a deer caught in headlights. She hadn't flinched when the bolt of lightning had struck, she had just stopped dead. But Saqui's cry as the stallion lashed out in panic brought the medic in Everly to the fore. It was the cry of someone in pain, or someone who would immintently be in such a state, and the tone made the beige and brown Optime whip around, her eyes zeroing in on the scene in horror. As little as she knew about horses, the three year old was aware of their strength and power – more than a match for a single wolf.

The palest of the assembled AniWayans had already leapt into action with impressively quick thinking, and Everly followed suit, though she didn't know what she was doing. All she knew was that such a powerful beast rampaging through the stable could hurt both horse and packmate alike. Her strength was inconsequential, but the stick was still grasped in one stiffly curled hand. Diving into the fray, Everly tried to use the stick as a restraint against the stallion's broad chest, gritting her teeth in her efforts. Only her innate agility saved her from receiving a hefty kick or a crushed foot, but she still seemed to be one step behind the snorting horse. Everly looked to the blue-eyed woman who was pressing the horse towards safety for guidance, an instinctual response which she didn't have a spare second to figure out. Everly Skyfall felt more lost in the loud stable, surrounded by the smell of fear which she couldn't pin upon the livestock, her packmates or herself, than she had through all her months of wandering as a loner.

(465 words)

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