All of us
OOC – :3 Mattie has lip sores, lack of internet, and writers down time block type thing. But she did try... o.o Hope this is okay!!

IC – 

Anxiety was pumping through her as the horse went insane. The lightning had spooked several other horses but this one stuck out most. Sighet froze in horror as she watched her friend, the one she'd talked to the longest out of her time here, get beaten by large hoofs. Her jaw fell down, nearly hitting the ground, as a gasp came from her body in recognition of the beast. "Boaz!" she screamed just as her mind remembered how to function.

By this time, Saqui was fighting for a hold and the albino woman was assisting. The stranger, a woman who was obviously quite nervous and confused, was prodding the chest of the horse with a stick. Rushing to the area, the fae forgot the horse she'd been guiding and quickly jumped into the group. "Boaz! Stop it!" Sigh was perfectly aware that any wrong move could hurt himself or someone else other than Saqui's already damaged arm.

Without quite thinking it out she brushed past the brown furred fae and her stick and gripped the paint's neck. "Hush now boy!" she tried yelling as soothingly as she could over the thunder outside. Her hand, the one that could reach high enough given her current position, gripped onto one of his ears and twisted it in a way she'd learned to discipline horses back in the last tribe. The mustang reacted at the familiar treatment by shrieking loudly and jerking his neck to and fro. Still, he did grow slower with his frantic movements. "That's it boy! Calm down sweetie!" she continued to shout as sweetly as she could in the moment.

Gradually the mustang grew more and more calm, her grip on his neck changing from clinging to his body to guiding him to the stall and she released his ear. Shuffling him inside the pen she quickly closed him inside and hopped back out. Her horse was safe and she was happy for five seconds...

"Saqui? Are you alright?" she called with huge, guilty blue eyes.

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