Our foundation is crumbling, we fall apart.

Word Count → ::

Fury boiled within him and the violence that was bred into him from their warrior mother distorted his face into a gruesome mask. Every sound was magnified a hundred fold and time slowed down before his blazing eyes. All around him the shadows raced, a dizzying blur of devil's black and demon's souls. The lights forced backwards, away from him, their influence first dulled and then extinguished completely. He became that which he strove to avoid, he became a monster at will. Upon his visage was one direction he could have taken, a murderer with no feeling for friend or foe, no distinction between family and enemy.

The cat's caws did only minimal damage before it darted back into the safety on the house, he didn't even feel the wounds. If his sister had any sense within her then she would run and hide, barricade herself within her house and pray that he found no way within. Their language, the arctic Svinka, such a beautiful language was turned into a voice of rage and destruction, something to throw curses with,

"Attack the weak! Make the innocent fear! Torture the guilt ridden, cast out your own mother! She who brought you into this world you ungrateful whelp!" He lunged forwards and grabbed her arm, dragging her out into the street away from the safety of her house and the protection of her sword. His hand found her ear and he twisted sharply, intending to cause as much pain without permanent damage. Now he shouted at her his voice gaining more volume the longer he spoke, "How much pain do you feel dear sister! Last of the summer's light! How much does your body cry for it to stop. Feel it and imagine uncounted hours of it, forcing five new lives into the world while already being weakened by sickness. You stupid, selfish, little GIRL!" He let go and shoved her away from him with all the force he could muster, hoping she stumbled and fell. He knew he was doing what he had said he would never do, he hurt his own sister willingly but her actions were inexcusable and she needed to understand the wrongness of what she had done as the eldest able family member it was his job to punish her, to force her to understand.

The word she had used was horrific and their mother was now even more depressed and guilt ridden, almost at the edge of taking her own life, almost unable to bear her shame. Pandora was with her now, watching over her to ensure she did not do it. He looked at Keldava with derision in every iota of his expression.

"If she dies now, it will be all your fault!"

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