[LDR PLZ] J; Green Monster

She hated the rain.

Growling under her breath, the newly joined vinattan made her way through the trees that bordered the well-worn path she was travveling. Valhalla quivvered underneath her, the stallion impatient and drenched. If they didn't get out of the rain soon and have him wiped down he was surely going to get sick. Everyday since she had joined the woman had travelled along the more common parts of the borders, vigiliant in looking for her love, her Rekyr. Her icy blue eyes searched for the smallest sign of him, but so far her search had yeileded nothing. With a sigh of resignation she moved to pull Valhalla's slippery reigns in, but a noise caught her attention. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously as she moved towards the disturbance, but then a familiar howl rang out and cut through the rain.

Her heart barely had time to swell with joy before her body moved automatically, correcting Valhalla and steering him in the callers direction with her legs. A slight bit of pressure on his slick sides and the two were off, Alessandra's stark white hair plastered to her head. It was difficult riding, at some points within the trees Valhalla's dinner plate hooves sunk into the ground and caused him to falter, but Lessa kept pushing him. Nearly ten minutes moved by and finally she burst out of the foilage to the sight of Reykr across the borders. Reigning in her horse she brought him to a stop on her side of the borders, regarding the male for a moment. His pelt was slicked to his body, outlining the rises and curves of his muscles. His elk seemed distressed, but Valhalla stood placidly in his spot, staring the other animal down.

A broad grin broke out over her streaked face, her chalk running down her black fur revealing the off-white bleaching below. Oh how she had waited for him, for them to finally be together. " Rekyr. " She breathed simply before sliding off of her horse and walking to meet him.


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