[p] drowning all my sadness

Time passed, but didn't seem the rain ever stopped. Even when she would fall asleep, not even knowing what time it was, in her rest she would hear the grumbling wind and the rain, and when she awoke, it would be no lighter than it had been when she went to sleep. She guessed she was sort of glad they left the den when they did; who knew if it could have perhaps been flooded by now? The caves the pack was in now seemed pretty high up, it was hard to tell amidst the confusion on her way up there, but never the less she felt safer. At least that was a good thing.

She was still laying in the nook in the wall, and it seemed now she had claimed it as "her" spot. She hadn't talked much since arriving to the caves, simply thinking. She wondered if territory was going to the same after this, or if it was going all underwater. She wondered if Temeraire was okay. She had found herself thinking about him at times when she was listening to the down pour, and she knew all she could do was hope that he and Vinátta were all alright. With this kind of situation, though, even the optimist was finding it hard to remain cheerful. But, she did not allow herself to get too worried, and decided not to face reality for its total worth.

Pale eyes stared out blankly at the mouth of the cave, and she rested her head on her paws. In a different time, she would have been bored out of her mind, but at that moment, her buzzing mind kept her preoccupied.


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