After The Storm
Can any creature stand against the wrath of the elements, if so then they must be stronger than any canine. The sounds had been deafening and the blackness at night complete. Trees had screamed, boulders had fled in fear and the land that was left behind smelt of a thousand deaths, birds, critters and doubtless some canines. Winds still buffeted the grizzled grey wolf’s coat, but the worst had passed, and he had finally emerged after what had seemed like an age to survey the damage to his new home. His secui form was enormous, the only moving thing in a an apparently empty landscape. He moved with the grace of a shadow despite the agonising pain that had swept through his shoulder, the old war wound occasionally flared up when pressure dropped, it was ridiculous, he was three years old and had enough injuries for a grandfather, he refused to give into his body.

His new home appeared totally different, debris was strewn about the place, massive impediments tossed around by some giant hand. Einarr stopped by a jagged stump that had once been one of the large trees in the forest, it had fallen, and was several metres away, having also crashed through a number of trunks. Buried beneath the debris was a giant elk and beneath it, a smaller version of itself. The three year old huffed, a mother doing her best to protect her child. He continued his wander through the carnage, checking, making sure that no pack mates had been injured or even killed. His feet drew him towards the mountainside and the entrance to the lower caverns. Einarr had not had the opportunity to explore the extensive warrens and he paused for a moment, just listening, seeing if he could hear the sound of anyone in distress.

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