Not Lost
Ayasha’s bird was another custom of these lands that Einarr was yet unaccustomed to. It felt strange to him to watch as hunters took prey as pets, and could potentially lead to a mistake. He nodded as she introduced herself.

”I am Einarr, and perhaps the most important are the food stores, so I am able to bring what I do not finish of my kills, I am sure that they are in this direction somewhere.”

He turned and padded a few steps down a gloomy tunnel, stopped and turning to look back at his pack mate. Waiting for her to correct him or lead the way. He asked a question though as well.

” I have seen others in the pack that keep…creatures with them also, it is a custom I have not come across before. Why do you have a bird upon your shoulder? Is it a form of spirit?”

Einarr had grown up around Shaman, if she said yes, it would not be something that would surprise him, but he didn’t think so, apparently spirits didn’t often manifest themselves, at least that’s what he’d been told; Einarr had never seen it happen and apparently his father had only seen it once.

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