Not Lost
The grizzled male walked alongside his pack mate as she spoke, processing her words, if there was one thing that could be said about Einarr, he was a very good listener, information was precious and he did his best to absorb as much of it as he could.

”My family believed in spirit guides, but not everyone was in tune enough with that world to have a guide, and once a bond had been formed it was never broken, it seems the spirit was particularly arbitrary to abandon you simply because you changed packs.”

Einarr had never been a great spirit speaker, he knew they were there, like one knows that air is there, a part of life but one that is often over-looked. Still it seemed in these lands they played a greater role. The grey male examined the owl in the gloom, Ayasha’s offer was a tempting one, to learn, to grow and become more skilled was always a good thing for a tactician.

”That would be much appreciated, I can imagine such a talent would be very useful. I am curious though, how does your bird know that you will not eat him? Or that I will not eat him? Surely it must be afraid among so many hunters?”

The question was not posed in a threatening manner, but merely out of a true interest

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